Abondante, Giulio | Intabolatura di lauto | Libro II (1548)

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Original edition restored by Atelier Philidor.

  • Instrumentation: lute
  • Edition: Facsimile (2012, 2020 second restoration) | Hieronimo Scotto, Venetia, 1548
  • 1 volume, 67 pages | B&W
  • Notation | Clefs : Italian tablature
  • Text in Italien
  • Transcription of: Madrigali a cinque & a quattro. Canzoni franceze a cinque & a quattro. Mottetti a cinque & a quattro, recercari di fantasia, napolitane a quattro intabulati & accomodati per sonar di lautto.
  • Of the work of Giulio Abondante, only three books survive to date: they include balli, padoanas, ricercari, fantasias. transcriptions of motets and madrigals (by Willaert, Rore, Arcadelt, Janequin, etc.). Books 3 and 4 seem to be lost.
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