Bingham, George (ed.) | 40 Airs anglois et une chaconne | Livre IV (1706)

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Original edition restored by Atelier Philidor.

  • Titre complet: 40 Airs Anglois à un Dessus & une Basse, Composez par Mr George Bingham, Livre Quatrième, dedié à Messieurs ses Disciples, on a ajouté à ce livre une Chacconne de Mr Finger.
  • Instrumentation: treble recorder (or 1 high instrument), bass
  • Edition | Source: Facsimile (2025) | Estienne Roger & Le Cène, Amsterdam, 1706
  • Notation | Clefs: G2, F4
  • Pages | Format: 2 part-books (fluto & basso), 58 pages - 27.9 x 21.6 cm
These sonatas by George Bingham were originally published in Amsterdam between 1702 and 1706. It contains many miniature pieces in the English style with several jigs, hornpipes and airs, including a snappy Scotch Air and a more graceful and legato English Air. There are also French movements with several bourées, minuets and gavottes. At the end of the publication there is also a Ciaccona by Gottfried Finger which becomes more virtuosic with fast passage-work in places. However, over all these pieces are only of a moderate difficulty for recorder players. [Oliver Smith, in: The Recorder Magazine, 2024]
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