Hume, Tobias | Captaine Humes Musicall Humors | The First Part of Ayres (1605)

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Original edition restored by Atelier Philidor.

  • Full title: The First Part of Ayres, French, Pollish, and others together, some in Tabliture, and some in Pricke-Songs, with Pavines, Galliards, and Almaines for the Viole de Gambo alone, and other Musicall Conceites for two Base Viols, expressing five parts, with pleasant reportes one from the other, and for two Leero Viols, and also for the Leero Viole with two Treble Viols, or two with one Treble. Lastly for the Leero Viole to play alone, and some Songes to bee sung to the Viole, with the Lute, or better with the Viole alone. Also an Invention for two to play upon one Viole.
  • Instrumentation: 1 & 2 viola da gamba (bass & Lyra-Way), voice
  • Edition | Source: Facsimile (2014)  | John Windet, London, 1605
  • 1 volume, 71 pages | 21.0 x 29.7 cm
  • Notation | Clefs: FrenchTablature & Staff notation (Clefs F4, F3, C1, G2)
  • Text in English

Hume published two music books including pieces for viols (including many solo works for the lyra viol) and songs. They were gathered in two collections, The First Part of Ayres (or Musicall Humors, 1605) and Captaine Humes Poeticall Musicke (1607).

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