Agazzari, Agostino | Del sonare sopra'l basso con tutti li stromenti e dell'uso loro nel conserto (1606 & 1607)

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Original editions restored and augmented by Atelier Philidor.

  • Instrumentation: lute, theorbo, chitarra, harpsichord, organ, harp
  • Edition | Sources: Facsimiles (2015, 2024) | Domenico Falcini, Siena, 1607 & Giacomo Rossi, Bologna, 1609
  • Pages | Format: 2 cahiers, 64 pages | 21.6 x 27.9 cm
  • Original text in Italian [English & French translations added by Atelier Philidor]

One of the earliest and most important treatises on basso continuo.This treatise was immensely important in the diffusion of the technique throughout Europe: for example, Michael Praetorius used large portions of it in his Syntagma musicum in Germany in 1618-1619. As was true with many late Renaissance and early Baroque theoretical treatises, it described a practice which was already occurring. In large part it was based on a study of his friend Lodovico Grossi da Viadana's Cento concerti ecclesiastici (published in Venice in 1602), the first collection of sacred music to use the basso continuo.

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