Vallet, Nicolas | Le Secret des Muses | Tablature de luth | Livre I (1618)

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Édition originale en cours de restauration.

  • Titre complet: Paradisus musicus testudinis, in quo multae insignes et ante hunc diem inauditae, gallicae, germanicae, anglicae, hispanicae, polonicae cantiones ; ne non varia praeludia, fantasiae, tripudia cõtinentur : praeterea punctis tùm suprà tùm ad latus singulis cuiusque tactus literis adscriptis, eorumque praemissa explicatione, docetur quibus tum dextrae tum sinistrae manus digitis chorda tangenda pulsandave sit, auctore Nicolao Valletto. Omnia in as incisa.
  • Instrumentation: luth renaissance à 10 choeurs
  • Édition | Source: Fac-similé (2024) | Johannes Janssonius, Amsterdam, 1618
  • Notation | Clefs: Tablature française
  • Texte en français
  • Pages | Format: 1 volume, 111 pages - 29.7 x 21.0 cm

État d'avancement de la restauration: 86/111 pages

Le Secret des Muses is an instruction book for the lute, which contains compositions (including a composition by Claude Lejeune) and instruction for the 10-string Renaissance lute. It appeared in 1615 in a Dutch, a Latin and a French editions. It was among the last compositions to appear for this instrument, before it was supplanted by the Baroque lute.
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