Gibbons, Orlando | Lessons for the virginals (c1612)

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Édition originale restaurée & augmentée par l'Atelier Philidor.

  • Sept études pour le virginal extraites du livre : Parthenia or the Maydenhead of the first musicke that ever was printed for the virginalls. Composed by three famous masters: William Byrd, Dr John Bull & Orlando Gibbons. Ingraven by William Hole.
  • Instrumentation: virginal
  • Édition | Source: Fac-similé (2024) |  G. Lowe. Lothbury, London, ca. 1612
  • Pages | Format: 1 volume, 30 pages | 21 x 29.7 cm
  • Notation | Clefs: Sol2, Fa4, Ut4 [une version des pièces avec des portées modernes a été ajoutée par l'Atelier Philidor pour en faciliter la lecture.]
  • Texte en anglais


  • XVI. Orlando Gibbons | Galiardo
  • XVII. Orlando Gibbons | Fantazia of foure parts
  • XVIII. Orlando Gibbons| The Lord of Salisbury his Pavin
  • XIX. Orlando Gibbons | Galiardo [The Lord of Salisbury]
  • XX. Orlando Gibbons| The Queens Command
  • XXI. Orlando Gibbons| Preludium

2025 marks the 400th anniversary of the death of one of England’s best-known composers of the Elizabethan and early Jacobean age, Orlando Gibbons.  Born in 1583, he passed away in Canterbury on 5 June 1625 at the age of 41, while he was in attendance with King Charles I and his fellow members of the Chapel Royal awaiting the arrival of the King’s bride, Queen Henrietta Maria, from France. It was Gibbons’s prowess as a keyboard player that had earned him his exalted positions at church and court, yet he is known to us today as an outstanding composer of sacred and secular vocal and instrumental music.

Célébrons le 400ème anniversaire de la mort d'Orlando Gibbons en 1625.
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