- Waelrant, Hubert (ed) - Symphonia angelica di diversi eccellentissimi musici (1585)
- Waesich, Cherubino - Canzoni a cinque - Opera II (1632)
- Waissel, Matthaus - Tabulatura continens insignes et selectissimas quaque Cantiones (1573)
- Walsh, John (ed) - A choice collection of aires and duets for two German flutes - 4 Books (1730-1741)
- Walsh, John (ed) - A collection of aires for two flutes (sd)
- Walsh, John (ed) - Aires & Duets for two German flutes - Book I-IV (sd)
- Walsh, John (ed) - Aires & Symphonys for ye Bass Viol (c1710)
- Walsh, John (ed) - Select preludes or volentarys for ye violin (1705)
- Walsh, John (ed) - The Catch Club (1762)
- Walsh, John (ed) - The Division Flute (1706 & 1708)
- Walsh, John (ed) - The First Part of the Division Violin (1705)
- Walsh, John (ed) - The Harpsichord Master - Books I, II, III (1697, 1700, 1702)
- Walther, Johann Gottfried - Alcune Variationi sopr'un Basso Continuo del Signor Corelli (c1725)
- Walther, Johann Gottfried - Musicalisches Lexicon oder Musicalische Bibliothec (1732)
- Walther, Johann Jacob - Hortulus Chelicus (1688)
- Wannenmacher, Johann - Bicinia Sive Duo (1553)
- Warren, Edmund Thomas (ed) - A Collection of Vocal Harmony (c1775)
- Weelkes, Thomas - Ayeres or Phantasticke Spirites for three voices (1608)
- Weichlein, Romanus - Encaenia musices - Op. I (1695)
- Weideman, Charles Frederick - Six concertos in seven parts - Op. 2 (sd)
- Weideman, Charles Frederick - Six Quartettos - Op. VIII (sd)
- Weiss, Sylvius Leopold - 8 Suiten (1730-1765)
- Weiss, Sylvius Leopold - Fantaisies et Préludes (Rome, 1710-1714)
- Werl, Albrecht (ed) - Lute Book (1625-1650)
- Werrecore, Matthias - La Bataglia Taliana (1549)
- Wert, Giaches de - Il Settimo Libro de Madrigali a cinque voci (1581)
- Wert, Giaches de - Madrigali del Fiore a cinque voci - Libro II (1561)
- Westhoff, Johann Paul von - Sonate a violino solo con basso continuo (1694)
- Westhoff, Johann Paul von - VI Partitas a violino solo (1696)
- Wilbye, John - The first set of English madrigals to 3. 4. 5. and 6. voices (1598)
- Wilderer, Johann Hugo von - Modulationi sacre a duo, tré, e quattro voci e violini (1699)
- Willaert, Adrian - Canzone Villanesche a quattro voci - Libro Primo (1545)
- Williams, William - Six sonata's in three parts (1700)
- Wilson, John - Psalterium Carolinum (1657)
- Wise, Samuel - Six Lessons for the Harpsichord (c1765)
- Witvogel, Gehrard Fredrik (ed) - 6 Concerti a cinque stromenti - Libro I (sd)
- Wodiczka, Wenceslaus - Huit sonates pour le violon et la basse (c1742)
- Wollick, Nicolas - Enchridion Musices (1512)
- Woodcock, Robert - XII Concertos in eight parts (1727)
- Wright, Daniel - The compleat tutor to ye flute (c1735)
- Wright, Daniel (ed) - The first & second division violin (c1730)
- Yonge, Nicholas (ed) - Musica Transalpina (1588)
- Young, Anthony - Suits of lessons for the harpsicord or spinnet (1719)
- Young, John (ed) - A choice collection of Ayres for the Harpsichord (1700)
- Young, John (ed) - The Compleat Musick-Master (1722)
- Yssandon, Jean - Traité de la musique pratique (1582)